Anxiety plays a crucial role in keeping us alert and alive.
“There’s a primitive part of all of our brains that’s geared to sense a threat. For some people, it fires up a lot sooner and with a lot less reason than it does in others. When it does, it surges the body with cortisol (the stress hormone) and adrenaline to get the body ready to run for its life or fight for it. This is the fight or flight response and it’s in everyone. The “go” button is a bit more sensitive for people with anxiety.”
Experiencing occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. People with anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns that are specifically, when the anger is internalized rather than expressed.
Anger – An Expression of an Inner Vulnerability!
Anxiety plays a crucial role in keeping us alert and alive. It is neither possible nor desirable to eliminate anxiety entirely. But when we start living our lives unmindfully, or we get stuck up in emotions due to a big event or a buildup of smaller stressful life situations, for example, a death in the family, work stress, or ongoing worry about finances; that intensifies anxiety and develop negative expectations and response.

The Burden of Uncertainty
The burden of uncertainty is almost in every domain of modern life. We, humans, are born with the ability to imagine the future and at times the sense of impending danger, panic, or doom triggers the consequence of anxiety that we humans pay as a price to disrupt our daily life, whether at school, work, or with friends.
We lose our concentration, we overthink and we experience trouble sleeping. We tend to lose control over our mind and body, which itself goes into endless loops of worry in the mind with heart-pounding discomfort in the body, jumpiness and trembling to ring in the ears, and shortness of breath.
The Goal
The goal is to restore calm, regain control over the worry that threatens to overtake the balance and harmony of the mindscape. It is important to stay active, participate in activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good about yourself. Enjoy social interaction and caring relationships, which can lessen your worries.
It’s important to face one’s fear so one no longer avoid them. Overwhelmed by negative feelings, your mind is activated to be on the lookout for danger. To pacify the increased mental arousal —all that jitteriness and muscle tension- It is essential to do self-talk, self-care, and self-love.
Just Focus on Yourself, Self-care
Exercise daily to release the muscle tension that creates so much distress. Practice diaphragmatic breathing that has a direct effect on the nervous system. eat nourishing foods, and do meditation to induce a state of calm and curb feelings of threat.
By itself, anxiety isn’t a problem. It anchors the protective biological response to danger and prepares you to fight or flee. A dollop of healthy anxiety can persuade you to get to work on time, push you to study hard for an exam or discourage you from wandering dark streets alone.
The problem is only when you tend to overreact or react to the wrong situations. This constant bout of fear can take a toll on health. Increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, raising blood pressure, contributes over time to heart problems, stroke, kidney disease, and sexual dysfunction. Your struggle with emotional stress might drive inflammation and plaque formation that leads to heart attacks and strokes. Quality of life suffers, too.
Self Care Is A Discipline Not An Indulgence
Mindfulness and self-love can give you possible joys in life. Life is uncertain and always changing, we need to accept this and don’t need to be anxious about this. You can lean on your confidence that whatever comes your way will be something you can easily manage, which isn’t something to worry about.
Even Mindful Walk in Nature can help you transition away from work and daily struggles. This can create feelings of wellbeing, provide better sleep, improve mood and manage stress.
Also “prioritize sleep”. There is no pride in skipping good sleep. When you sleep better, you are more relaxed and your day is a lot easier. If falling asleep is difficult, a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow should help you with the spa experience in the comfort of your bed, and you slowly like a baby doze off to sleep, opening your eyes to a beautiful sunrise.
Being mindful, practicing self-love, and offering gratitude towards life help you discover your self-worth and then you lose interest in anyone who doesn’t see it. It’s one life. Don’t lose yourself trying to please everyone around you.
Your anxiety triggers because you tend to look outward. Go inwards. Take a few moments with yourself, self-assess your problems and understand your inner turmoil. Accept yourself and give love to yourself. Do what your heart says is right. Don’t let others ride your journey. Take a grip and create your own path.
Don’t let the fear of what could happen to make nothing happen. It’s your journey and you need to take your actions. Right or wrong doesn’t matter. Don’t waste a whole reincarnation with bad family members, toxic partners, false friends, or wrong choices. Regrets are carried by all. But learning from regrets to make better choices is the essence of life.
Last but not least, say thanks to Anxiety that gave you an important lesson to learn. Now just say “I am going to do what I want to do…TODAY!”

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