Millennials not Successful at Making Relationships Last...
Has romance and love taken a turn for the worse among millennials? With the changing times and the dawn of the Digital Age, the way millennials view love and relationships has definitely changed.

Born with Choices and Options
Millennials are born in this digital age with many choices and options. They want everything easy. They are not taught to sacrifice, adjust or compromise. With so many choices and ease of having things, they are not prepared for the hurdles.
The need for connection and relationship persists for millennials, but marriage has become less important. Rather college students choose to express their love and romance in a less formal way.
It seems millennials fear a commitment to love. Thus, feelings of jealousy arise. Love evokes fear and anxiety. Perhaps due to the daunting thought of love, millennials never appear to have an interest in long-term commitment. Millennials may just open up to expressing their sexual desires more than past generations, reflecting their casual view of love. They don’t need a formal relationship declared to experiment sexually. This speaks to the hookup culture of millennials.
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Attributes for Lasting Relationships
Lasting relationships are built on the sacrifices, compromises, unconditional love. This generation is not ready to invest all that it takes to make a relationship work.
Millennials are living for excitement and thrill in life. Partnership is about to watch movies and party with, not someone who understands them or values their core.
Time spent together is for just fun not to make memories. The mindset is not about a partner for life, but to have someone who can make them feel alive right in the moment with instant gratification.
Since there is not much substance in the relationship and it lacks commitment and conviction, the excitement fades with time, and then the mundane seeps in. Too much blinded by the thrill of adventure then looks for another partner not leaving the scope for introspection.
Millenials are Busy Chasing Materialistic Dreams
Immersed in the inconsequential city life, leaving no space for love. Millenials are busy chasing materialistic dreams and there’s no scope for love. Relationships are nothing more than convenience. With too many choices and doing all the things for instant gratification like – posting online and creating an illusionary world around, the career choices with expectations of easy success and less hard work, and falling in love for physical pleasures and no commitment.
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Millennial mindset is about choices and options and are disappointed at every choice they make because they don’t like to take ownership of anything in life. Their real world has been replaced by texts, voice messages, Snapchats and video calls. They don’t have real bonds or connect with the real world.
This is the generation of ‘wanderers’ who couldn’t stay at one place for too long. There is monotony and boredom in everything they do. Even the commitment to anything is a phobia.
They don’t want to settle down. Even the thought of it is scary. The concept of being with one person for the rest of their lives looks like an ancient preaching. They despise permanence like it’s some social evil. They like to believe they’re ‘different’ than the rest. They don’t want to conform to social norms.

This generation is born ‘sexually liberated’. They will have sex first and then decide if they want to love someone. Sex comes easy, loyalty doesn’t. Sex outside relationships isn’t a taboo anymore. Relationships aren’t that simple anymore. There are open relationships, friends with benefits, casual flings, one-night stands, no strings attached – very little exclusivity for love in lives is left.
Millennials not Successful at Making Relationships Last
This practical generation runs by logic alone. They don’t know how to love madly anymore. Commitment phobic scared generation is – scared to fall in love, scared to commit, scared to fall, scared to get hurt, scared to get their hearts broken.
They don’t allow anyone in, nor do they step out and love anyone unconditionally. They lurk from behind walls they’ve created themselves, looking for love and running away the moment they really find it difficult.
They don’t want to be vulnerable and so baring their soul to anyone is unlikely. They’re brought up too guarded and that’s how they are in their self defence.
Since nothing in life came as struggle and everything came easily so the value attached for achieving things and the essence of valuing relationships is a total miss.

So there’s nothing Millenials couldn’t conquer in this world, and yet, here they are ham-fisted at the game of love – the most basic of human instincts. Evolution, they call it.
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