Intimacy is a Key Component to a Healthy Marriage




Intimacy is generally the affinity in which both partners feel secure and loved. It is a key component to a healthy marriage. When intimacy is lacking, a marriage can suffer from poor communication, lack of trust, secrets, and hidden emotions. 

Emotional intimacy increases the scope of better communication between the spouses which can increase the reality of sharing the same hopes, dreams, and fears and understanding them at a deep level. 

Having a strong bond in a marriage relationship is important for the relationship to stand on strong grounds and is worth the effort.

When you have emotional intimacy and factors which make you compatible in certain realities this can strengthen your commitment to a long, strong, and happy marriage.

A strong marriage helps you to be better as both a spouse and as an individual.

How to Increase Intimacy

If your marriage seems to be lacking in emotional intimacy, there are a number of things that you and your partner can do to strengthen and deepen emotional intimacy.

There are 3 components that strengthen the bond.

  1. Affinity- Acknowledging, Admiring, Validating, Appreciating Your Spouse
  2. Reality- Common Interests, Agreements, Viewpoints, Family Goals
  3. Communication- Good Listening Skills, Expressing Freely, Talking Out Differences, Accepting Disagreements

You just need to focus and increase on one component and the other two will increase naturally. And if any one goes low, say reality goes low then the affinity goes low and so does the communication.

To increase on Intimacy, start appreciating your partner, acknowledge their efforts, understand the viewpoint, and communicate better to reach mutual understanding. 

Without affinity, there can’t be reality and without the two, there can’t be communication. Without communication there can’t be an understanding and this can lead to a lot of vacuum and isolation which will lead to spouses looking for happiness out of a relationship.

To build a relationship, look at things which connect you. Find common interests which can bind you, appreciate things which your relationship possesses. And work on building good communication. 

Communication is a solvent which can dissolve many issues. Work on your affinity, reality and communication and see how your relationship improves.

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