The Japanese secret to a long and happy life is to have an Ikigai.

Ikigai (生き甲斐, pronounced [ikiɡai]) is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being”. The word refers to having a direction or purpose in life, that which makes one’s life worthwhile, and towards which an individual takes spontaneous and willing actions giving them satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life.
We all want to be happy in life but when we lose purpose or have no purpose to our living, we tend to lose our perspective and we become unhappy, stressed, depressed, alone.
As per the concept of Ikigai, we all should have a reason to jump out of bed each morning. So if you find no reason to get up active in the morning, or you just don’t want to leave bed and move out, then surely you are missing ikigai in your life to drive you, to make you feel alive.
How Do We Find our Ikigai?
Ikigai is our deep hidden passion that we love and that makes us alive. We need to identify that passion and see how that passion can drive our mission in life to be self sustainable i.e. that we follow that passion and if possible make that as our reason to live and sustain our living.
We need to find a balance of our passion, mission, vocation, profession to make our life goals more purposeful and meaningful and that gives us the zeal to live a long and happy life.
Read: Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life | Kindle Edition
Different People Have Different Ikigai
For some it’s having a dream house in the hills and living an eco friendly life close to nature and also managing their livelihood.
Nupur Sharma, Sukoon Wellness Retreat
My cousin Nupur Sharma, who gave up position of CMO with Lucideus to follow her passion. She now manages her Sukoon Wellness Retreat to live her Ikigai.
Interior stylist, Influencer, YouTuber. Featured in @theidealhomeandgarden Magazine, @jiscovery
Manik Dhodi
#indianathlete | #coach | #influencer
Mallika RC Chakrabarti
Foodie| Traveller| Fashionista| Lifestylist|Autodidactic|GlobeTrotter
Kavya Jain,
Kavya Jain, Founder- Director FUNFITFAB STUDIO
Nutritionist | Wellness coach | Health and Fitness coach
All these people are driven by a strong Ikigai, which gives them a purpose and true meaning to live life with true colors and happiness.
If you feel empty, frustrated, or anxious, you need to find that one reason which gives you a true desire to live a meaningful life.
Once you find your new found passion for life that will help you overcome all obstacles and sorrows.
We always have a freedom to choose our own way, we surely have to go through alone, without any help and be inspired for the rest of our life.
My Ikigai is to write my blog everyday and share my thoughts. That makes me happy, involved with life!
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