Author: Pallavi Vyas

  • 10 Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life | Life Quotes

    10 Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life. We have picked up many things from our ancestors that are reflected in the way we speak, act and interact with the world, and it might be surprising to discover that some of the ancient wisdoms are still relevant today.

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    Ancient Wisdom
  • Relationships are Harder Now!

    Relationships are Harder Now because conversations became texting, arguments became phone calls and feelings became status.

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    Relationships are Harder Now!
  • Negatively Biased Mind Needs Attention | Mindfulness

    Negatively Biased Mind Racing Against 80,000 Thoughts needs Mindfulness to tame it. Practicing mindfulness can change your thoughts and life.

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    Negatively Biased Mind
  • Taking Care of Your Needs and Expectations

    Important Reminders About Taking Care of Your Needs and Expectations Life unfolds many different shades of people and you might feel disappointed and hurt for the people’s actions and reactions. In the midst of fulfilling everyone’s expectations you just miss to live for yourself. Don’t just ignore yourself. Your needs matter. Sometimes you have to do…

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    Taking Care of Your Needs and Expectations
  • Why are Millennials not Successful at Making Relationships Last?

    Millennials are born with choices and options. They lack commitments. Find out why Millennials not Successful at Making Relationships Last.

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    Millennials not Successful at Making Relationships Last
  • Modern Arranged Marriages Stand Better Survival

    Modern Arranged Marriages Stand Better Survival Rate than Love Marriages. So, what makes this traditional system a better survival?

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  • Never Beg for a Relationship. Be Brave to Face the Reality

    Never beg for a relationship. Be brave to accept the reality!

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    Never Beg for a Relationship
  • Self-awareness: Don’t Rely So Much On Your Partner

    Self-awareness can help you build healthy relationships and stay happy. Learn why you should not rely so much on your partner for everything.

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    Why It’s Not Good To Rely So Much On Your Partner
  • Aging Means Awakening to New Way of Life

    Aging is a process to truly live, letting the fullness of our existence see the light of the day. Find true meaning for your life.

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    Aging is a process