There Will Never Be Another Precious You!


There Will Never Be Another Precious You!

There will never be another precious you! Be yourself. Stay true to your inner nature.

You may fall into pieces, and be all alone, sleeping with the pain in silence. You may find the world around you all drifting away and you chasing the unknown fears to accommodate yourself to be someone else. You may lower the bar of standards to live the life of someone else just to shy away from being left alone in the journey of life.

There Will Never Be Another Precious You!
‘Intimacy’, an addictive Netflix series that “awakens consciences and invites you to come out of silence”

But all those white roses on a grave of your inner self will not let you find salvation in the veil of pretensions. You will be lost to find your happiness again. Down let the fire inside you die so easily. Let the unsaid prayers reach out to the infinity to let the vibrations connect with your soul to radiate life back to you.

To be yourself is all that you can do, until the end of time, you must be separated or united to who you are. Even if you’ve been pulled apart or been held up for the consequences which were forced choices of the circumstances you forged trust in. Free yourself from the self-nurture fears pegged up inside the feminity of you. You are powerful. Nothing can stop you if you decide to face your fears fearlessly.

Embrace yourself! Now is the time to unleash yourself. Just live fearlessly every single memory of the good or bad, all the shades of gray of love. Don’t lose any sleep tonight as surely everything will end up alright.

You may win or lose, But to be yourself is all that you can do. Strive for yourself. Fight for yourself. Live for yourself. There Will Never Be Another Precious You!

These thoughts were provoked by the Netflix series Intimacy. A compromising sexual video featuring a promising politician depicts the lives of four women forced to walk the line between public and private life. It’s a brave attempt at a genuinely adult take on sexual relationships in all their emotional messiness and complexity.

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