The Power of Choices Define Our Journey!

The Power of Choices

Many people don’t take responsibility for their choices. They often complain about wrong decisions and their real-life consequences. Try as you, you can’t escape the consequences of your decisions, whether good or bad.

Every choice carries a consequence.  For better or worse, each choice is the unavoidable consequence of its predecessor.   There are no exceptions.  If you can accept that a bad choice leads to its own punishment, then you should accept it. A good choice also brings desirable outcomes. A good choice brings desirable outcomes.   – Gary Ryan Blair

In Life, Choices are Inevitable. 

There is no escape to the decisions you make. No amount of rationalizing or complaining will alter the consequence.  

We humans wish to be miraculously rewarded for every action. We do this without accepting that every choice we make will result in a good or bad consequence. We need to take responsibility for our actions. We must be prepared for whatever fruits they yield in the end. At least it will be the consequence of the choices we made!

This responsibility is ownership of our choices. We have the freedom to choose our path in life. This will help us to succeed and make meaningful experiences through our journey of life.  

There are no good or bad choices. There are just choices that reward us or create new experiences. These experiences provide new learning for success. We humans are on a quest to achieve the ultimate success in life. We will continuously make choices to reach our ultimate goals in life.

Decisions Create Destiny. 

Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice yo have made.
Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice yo have made.

You have the power to make choices and decide the course of your journey, your experiences, your consequences.

Netflix Series Once Upon a Time is a Perfect Example of How Your Choices Define Your Course of Journey!

Life is about taking responsibility for your actions. There would be different experiences at different times of life, learn from it, let go of the past. Don’t blame others or make excuses for your failures. It’s perfectly okay to live your life with your own instincts. Everything in life happens for a reason. Sometimes those reasons are just to guide you to the right direction in life! Be There and Believe in It.

5 Life Choices You Shouldn’t Follow Just Because Everyone Else Is Doing Them

Don’t Forget Bad Decisions Make Great Stories At The End

God created man with a mind free to choose. He gave him the freedom to select. He also provided the ability to decide how daily choices shape his destiny. This reaffirms that we are free to choose our actions. Yet, it does not free us from the consequences of our decisions.

It is upon you to distinguish how you flourish in life. This means it is essential to attract what you imagine. You should show what you want. Become what you respect. Mirror what you admire.

You have the authority to create and experience the quality of life you truly want and need. One of the most incredible gifts given to you by God is the right to choose.

The Power Of Choice

The greatest power that a person possesses is the power to choose. – J. Martin Kohe

Choices define who we are as a person; it shows our character to the world. To enhance the probability of making better choices and surviving bad ones, personal character and inner spirit play essential roles.

In Life we are always making choices. 

“To be or not to be”

“To Wake Up or Stay in Bed”

“To Take Challenges or Just Let Things The Way They Are”

“To Do Exercise or Skip”

“To Be Who We Are or Just Be How People Wants Us To Be”

Just as there is a hierarchy of needs, as defined by Maslow, there is a hierarchy of choices. There are some fundamental choices we must make to survive.

Beyond the survival choices, it becomes individual, family, and community choices. We make choices as individuals on our education, career, character, etc. When we have a spouse, another set of choices emerge – relationship, children, etc. At some level, we are all citizens. Thus, we face community-related choices. For example, we decide whether to be active or passive in a community.

There are endless ways to look at the types of choices. 

Choices define us; you are who you are based on the choices you make. Choices exemplify our individual character.

Don’t let the fear of failure rob you the power of making choices. Doing things in a comfort zone can make you feel safe. Yet, moving out of your comfort zone empowers you to try something new. Be something big, something great, giving you the wings to fly high and touch the sky. The magic happens only when you move out of the circle of comfort.

Be the Change By Being Responsible

By being responsible for our own lives, we take the full charge of our journey. We become more accountable for the decisions we’ve made, and we can change our lives for the better.  We can make the choice to be happy and make a decision to react positively to all of life’s situations.  We can take control and be a victor and not a victim.

To Choose or Not To Choose

Essentially, there is a thin line dividing two paths. We need to turn the thin line into a sturdy barrier; we need to widen the line. When you think of a barrier, prevention comes to mind as well as enhancing the chance of survival. 

Our character and inner spirit development create the barriers to keep us centered in making positive choices (i.e., increasing the probability) and absorb, the bad ones that sneak through.

It is clear how these two dimensions can enhance the probability of success in making positive choices. Still, it is less clear how the barriers can absorb bad ones. 

Ultimately, it absolutely will depend on the severity of the bad choice.

A deep inner spirit can lead the individual to be more open to personal change. They ask for forgiveness thoughtfully. They can also re-commit to their faith in a meaningful way, etc. 

A stronger quality of character can prompt the individual to accept responsibility more quickly. They make amends in the best way possible. They can learn and grow from mistakes, etc.

Bad choices can forever change a life. What happens afterwards will depend, to a great deal, how the person squares up within these two dimensions. 

The chance of recovering from a bad choice come in different forms. Life does not continue as it was before the bad choice.

The concept of Thin Difference highlights the central role of choice in our lives. It emphasizes the importance of thinking through what we need to do. This approach can enhance our chance of success.

The crux of this story is that we can’t widen the line when making certain choices. A thinness does exist between right and wrong paths when certain choices are made.

To Choose or Not To Choose Will Always Be Your Power of Choice to Define Your Journey Ahead!

The Power of Intention: Creating Positive Karma


One response to “The Power of Choices Define Our Journey!”

  1. Pratima Avatar

    Beautiful #article

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