Mental Hacks to Boost Your Self Confidence


Mental Hacks to Boost Your Self Confidence

These simple Mental Hacks helps you to be more confident in yourself. Push yourself past your self-limiting beliefs to achieve success and conquer all your fears.

7 Mental Hacks to Build Your Self Confidence

Self Affirmation is a Simple Mental Hack to Boost Confidence
Self Affirmation is a Simple Mental Hack to Boost Confidence

Do You Feel That You Lack Self Confidence? 

New challenges race your heart and make your palm sweat. You have the abilities and talent in you but new challenges make you fear facing them. Well you are not the first one to experience this. In life many people have abilities to succeed in life but they don’t know the art of being confident that can make you successful in life.

If you are always filled with doubt. If you lack initiative to push yourself outside your comfort zone. If you felt like you were at the mercy of the unknown, not knowing how you would land on your feet. Then, you are rightly searched for your change and landed here to understand how you can be more confident in yourself.

Confidence is the cornerstone of leadership. If you don’t believe in yourself, how can others believe in you?

Here are simple mental hacks to boost your confidence—be more confident in yourself!

1. Break through self-limiting beliefs.

As a child you were aware that you could conquer the world, but somewhere between childhood and adulthood, your enthusiasm and natural inclinations to dream big were squashed. Parents and teachers started imposing their own beliefs—about what you can and can’t do in life.

The best way to break through this chain is to push yourself past your self-limiting beliefs, as they aren’t doing any good to you. Expose yourself to different situations and face it the way it comes without fear of losing. The confidence builds when you decide to take an action and do it. That decides your limits. Just losing with the fear of the unknown is not the way to face life challenges. Once you start taking actions you will have confidence in yourself, you’ll be amazed with what all you can accomplish.

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2. Activate Your Conscious Memory

Your brain has a built-in confirmation bias. That means it stores information that is consistent with your own beliefs, values and self-image. Your response to situations in life is triggered by this conditioning of mind and is often mechanised. 

This selective memory system is a natural way to keep the brain from getting overloaded with too much information.

So to achieve success you need to change your self image. You need to send self affirmations to fight your low self-esteem, and send the information to your brain that you are ready to face the challenges and you will be confident to fight your battles and win in through. Try to gain a clear perspective and positive belief system to achieve what you want in life.

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3. Self Talk.

You might feel this is crazy but trust me it really works. Self talk makes you smarter, helps you focus, clear your perspectives and improve your mental strength. The power of positive self-talk overrides many fears and helps you deal with anxiety. Positive self-talk influences your response  into a positive one. 

4. Positive Thinking.

Our natural negativity bias keeps us safe from danger for thousands of years. But this negativity bias can defraud your confidence and like velcro, sticks to you. Everyday tame your mind with five positive thoughts to counter every one negative thought. Let every positive thought reinforce for 20 seconds before moving to the next positive thought.

Acknowledge your emotions and don’t suppress negative ones. Label the emotions for what they truly are and move on.

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5. Invoke your curiosity.

Curiosity is an important trait to be confident and successful. Curiosity is the stepping stone of life-long growth. If you remain curious, you will learn, your mind will be active instead of passive. You will be more observant and will have new ideas. It opens up new worlds and possibilities and creates an adventurous response that leads you in a new direction.

6. Beat Self-doubt.

If you lack self-confidence, you will always have self-doubt or feel incapable of doing things you need to do. You will always look for reassurance from others. This victim mentality makes you vulnerable to life’s inevitable obstacles and roadblocks.

Creating a self belief that you are confident and you can succeed wherever you are and whatever situation you are in, anywhere, anytime. This will help you achieve what you want to accomplish. It’s time to identify the areas in which you doubt yourself and remove those barriers.

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7. Overcome Your Phobias.

Facing Your Fear —gives you control. Overcoming your phobias makes you think clearly because your emotional brain is in the driver’s seat and takes over. To be in control you need to move closer to the situations that trigger fear in you. It does no good to avoid, deny or ignore the fear.Think about your worst fear and face it by making it your reality. Once you face your fears as reality you’ll realize how conquering your fear makes you feel breathe and live life with new infused air of confidence in you.

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