It’s okay to be wrong sometimes. Not always the situations are in your favor. A number of times in spite of all the efforts, things just don’t tend to be perfect or as magical as you would wish them to be. You may put all your energy and effort and still, it leads nowhere. It’s believed everything has its time and we should not lose hope against a time that is not favorable.
When time is not favorable
When things are not turning up the way you want them to be, you tend to get hard on yourself and your nasty inner voices put you into the blame game zone.
Break free from the destructive voice
You need to break the chain and fight the destructive voice to build a positive relationship with yourself. You got to become friendly and adaptable to your little voices of ego, insecurity, and irrational “animal” brain who hijacks you from time to time. You got to get yourself out from your FOMO for all the places you were not invited, to or someone who discouraged you or cut you up.
Forge a Healthier Self Relationship
You need to overcome your fears. Free yourself from your own self-hate. Develop a healthier and positive relationship with your inner self. Show some self-love and just take a step back from situations that pull you down and reflect through the light of wisdom to “respond” rather than “react” to the situations.
Self-love and self-motivation for believing that it’s okay to be wrong sometimes.
1. Your Mistakes Reflects That You Are Trying Hard
If you don’t make mistakes you’re not trying hard enough. That means you are pretending to be happy in your self-acclaimed limited life where you just don’t move out of your comfort zone and are comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. Life begins when you push yourself, stretch yourself, you’re creating a space for growth. You have to reach outside your comfort zone to learn — you don’t discover stuff when you play it safe. And this zone never comes without obstacles. You tend to make mistakes and learn & relearn till you achieve what you started for. It’s perfectly fine to not get it completely right. When you push yourself a little further, a little harder, you’re paving the way into uncharted territory. This will unfold many new paths for you and you will just progress.
2. Be The Master Of Your Mistakes
All failures bring new learnings. Every mistake makes you strong and determined not to repeat the same fuckups again. When you are open to learning from your mistakes and are hell bent to make yourself a better version of yourself, you naturally become the master of your mistakes and nothing can stop you from growing from thereon.
3. Every Micro Effort Counts
The very act of trying something, whether you succeed or not, is something to be proud of. There are plenty of people who are too afraid to put their head above the parapet and actually “do something”. Every micro effort that you take irrespective of whether it was a success, needs self-love and self-appreciation for being brave enough to do it in the first place. And never forget that people appreciate fighters who never give up in spite of all the odds. It’s not the success but the journey that inspires others.
Always remember that the biggest fuck-ups can be sorted out. Just be honest with yourself, take responsibility, and keep going.
Next time you mess up, don’t beat yourself up. Show some love and respect to yourself and for all the efforts you have been putting. Reflect your true character, bank the learnings, brush yourself off, and get on with making the next mistake.
Transform your life with tiny changes in behavior, starting now. THE PHENOMENAL INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: Atomic Habits by James Clear | Kindle Edition
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