Your Perception My Reality!


Your Perception My Reality

Your Perception My Reality– An Attempt to Voice the Role of a Father whose emotions are vulnerably pegged deep inside his soul.

He always wore a hat of a breadwinner and the mother equipped her whole being as a homemaker. The intent is to bring the father into a light of some empathy so if somewhere I miss the essence of motherhood please pardon me. I being a mother myself truly have all praise for the woman and what she brings to the table to keep the family strong and grounded.

Dear ladies, you at times come really strong with your perceptions that all the meaty role of raising kids is your share of fame but let’s pause. think. and contemplate the other side of hard work that goes into the raising of children and managing the home.

My attempt is to just make women more mindful and empathetic towards their better half.

Your Perception My Reality!

A voice of a father…

Being a mother, you are a bearer of our child. No doubt that you have given your flesh and blood to create these beautiful masterpieces that reflect so clearly the inherited flaws of both of us which every day in our face shows how challenging we are as an individual. But don’t take the onus of this creation all on yourself, as I too contributed to these manifestations.

No doubt as soon as they came into existence, we created distance between us to fit them better into our space. But you got so busy and so overwhelmingly involved that u forgot that I existed somewhere for your attention.

I realized this parenthood came with a price where we bargained our love and attention for each other to nurture our children. But don’t forget you are a “mother” and that motherly instinct flows through you naturally but I had to work really hard to build the strong structure around you all to fit myself seamlessly.

Fatherhood didn’t come naturally to me but still like a shield I ensured the emotional well-being of you and my children. I may not be right at many walks of this journey still I tried, I really tried hard so that you all get the best in life.

When you were taking care of our children with all your time, love, and affection. I too as a warrior in the field was fighting the various pressures of life so that you all could be secure, safe, and comfortable.

I also wanted to relax, sit in peace and be with our children but I knew you were working hard and I have to work harder to ensure that our home, our life,  just sails through in peace.

When you were imbibing values and virtues, I was teaching them the lessons of hardcore realities of life. You were teaching them the discipline whereas I was laying down the rules and enforcing them. You were unconditional support and I as a father always tried to provide you all a feeling of security, both physical and emotional. 

Our children will always see you as a superstar because you have always been around in all the thick and thins of life but I alone stand there with that heavy heart that someday I would also be appreciated by you and acknowledged by our children for all that I did being a provider for our home.

I am happy that you are in the hall of fame of my home, but my only pain is that mostly I am not understood. When you were playing the role of a nurturer and you were binding up the little hurts of our children. I was to try to live up to an image of a protector and provider and “hero of the scrimmage”. It’s not easy to be the subject of no emotion facing the daily struggles of life.

Just my dear in the grueling race of life, I may have become hard-hearted and left all the sentimental stuff to you. But just try to reach me where no one else can see and you will see the soft vulnerable me pegged deep inside to be just unleashed, embraced, and loved.

My life revolves around you all. In million different ways, ever since I started my journey to fatherhood, I am just searching for some space to fit myself better and to rest in peace fulfilling all my duties to be remembered as a good father, a good husband in your hearts.

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Suggested Book: The Father’s Role: Cross-Cultural Perspectives


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