Emotional Flux
Our emotional state is a complicated flux of positive and negative emotions. These emotions encode memories for us which either evokes sad or pleasurable events.
The imbalance between these emotions sometimes results in serious disorders like depression and stress disorders.
Complicated Neurons
Lets Understand this Complicated Population of Neurons that inhibit one another!
We are always stimulated between our reward neurons and fear neurons. These positive and negative emotions is a population of neurons in our brain which one gets activated suppresses the other. This suggests that our brain constantly balances activity between these two population of neurons. “Ultimately we have a seesaw between positive and negative swings of emotions”
For example, if our negative emotions are overpowering our mental state, then this may lead to abnormally strong feelings of fear, anxiety, stress or filling of unworthiness.
We can stimulate our behavioral responses by sending messages to brain with more positive affirmations and self love which can balance these positive and negative emotional responses to get resolved easily.
Dealing with Emotions is a Challenge!
Positive emotions triggered through responses like joy, happiness, interest, curiosity, excitement, gratitude, love, contentment makes us feel elated, good. But on the other hand negative emotions like sadness, stress, anger, loneliness, jealousy, self criticism, fear or rejection, can be difficult, even painful at times.
Deal with It!
Negative emotions are difficult and if we choose to dwell on it too long, more it will become difficult for us to come out of this state.
Negative emotions are impossible to avoid, and we will feel them from time to time. But we need to learn the art to manage them.
Here are steps that can help you manage your negative emotions.
Step 1 – Identify Your Feelings!
Be Aware of How You Feel
Try to name what you are feeling. For example:
- His indifference makes me feel not loved
- That guys constant nagging makes me so mad
- I get jealous when I am challenged.
Don’t Hide How You Feel
You might not want to broadcast your feelings to other people. But don’t suppress what you feel. Pour your feelings to someone you trust. Acknowledge what you are feeling than pretending nothing happened or exploding without thinking.
Understand Why You Feel the Way You Do
Figure out what gets you to those feelings that makes you react like that.
Don’t Blame
Being able to recognize and explain your emotions isn’t the same as blaming someone or something for the way you feel. What you feel comes from inside you. And surely your feelings are there for a reason. So recognizing and expressing helps you make sense of what’s going on.
Accept all your Emotions as Natural and Understandable
At times people will pass their judgement based on their limited experience on your emotions and reactions. But those harsh passe should not cloud your judgment about yourself for the emotions you feel. It’s normal if you feel them. Acknowledging how you feel can help you process your feelings more rationally and can help you move on. No need to be hard on yourself.
Step 2 – Take Action for Your Reactions
Once you have processed your feelings, now you can choose either to express, or sometimes it’s enough to just realize how you feel, and sometimes you’ll want to do something more to feel better.
Find the best way to express your emotions
If you choose to confront, then talk it over with your friend or whom you trust the most, who can empathize without being judgmental of your situation.
Learn to Change Your Mood, Take Charge!
At a certain point, you will just want to be with your wisdom without sharing with anyone. This time its best to shift your negative mood to something more positive that makes you feel happy, comforting and be more of yourself. Go out for a walk, practice some self guided meditation, listen to music, cook something nice for yourself, do something which you have been resisting for long, just do something beyond your limits, exercise etc.. Doing this makes you bounce back with radiant energy to face challenges in much better way.
Build Positive Emotions
Positive feelings create a sense of purpose and meaning to your actions and well-being. Make it a habit to notice and focus on whats good in your life. Show gratitude towards those little possessions which makes your imperfect life perfect in many ways. These self awareness towards the good things around helps you shift your negative energy to more positive thoughts.
Seek Support
At times, you might not be able to manage your emotional imbalance in spite of trying hard. Then its the time to reach out for support in your support network of friends and family. These trusted people might not be able to make right decisions for you but their perspective can surely add some insight to help you process your thoughts in a much better way.
Sweat It Out!
Physical activity helps the brain produce happy chemicals called endorphins. Endorphins trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.
The Remarkable Effects of Consistent Walking on Your Body and Mind
Step3 – Get Help with Difficult Emotions
At times difficult emotions get stuck with us. They become the part of our mental blocks. And these emotions always bring hurt, pain and void in our life. These kind of emotions need an extra help. You need a professional help here. A therapist can heal you better, because they as a neutral audience can listen to you, empathize with you and can suggest ways to break out of these negative emotions with proper guidance, help tips and maybe medicines if required.
Always Envision Your Life In The Near Future!
This process helps us envisioning our best possible self when we try to overcome our limitations. It gives us clarity of how we would like to see ourselves. You can practice this by journal ling your thoughts, or simply visualizing the best possible you.
Practice Gratitude!
This is an important task to keep you on track and to stay positive. Expressing gratitude towards all good things around you, keeps you grounded and blessed for your abundance in life.
Thank enough to all who are part of your life or added to your experience in life. Thank enough all the small things which constitute your ecosystem and keeps you alive and happy. Thank you to the space you belong, the air you breathe, the sun that adds warmth to your life, the food you eat, and all those people who are like your extra limbs so that you can stand with lot of stability and faith in the challenges of life!
Take a Selfcation
A Selfcation doesn’t mean do nothing; it means doing what I FEEL like doing.
Take a break from your routine chores. Go explore yourself to your best unleashing spirit. Indulge in things that makes you happy, alive and worthwhile.
Positive Thoughts

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