Every life is born with the need to connect, to attach to someone or something. Connection is vital to our well being.

There is nothing wrong in these emotional attachments. Problem comes when we start expecting. Expectation feeds frustration. At times we are so lonely at heart or circumstances, that we get vulnerable and get into patterns which are obsessive, unhealthy and gives us all the more pain.
Everybody has a different expectation, and their expectation wavelength comes from a limited picture of life they have experienced.
If you want to yield your life in a maximum potential, then you need to be detached and keep no expectations.
But expectations have strong grip on us when there is a void, there is an emptiness within ourselves. We feel that the consequence of fulfillment from other will reap us happiness but that’s too far from the reality.
There is no doubt emotions are beautiful. Desire, connection and emotional closeness are divine. But we in giving start to believe that we would be reciprocated with same intensity or wavelength.
When these frequencies doesn’t match, we create hurt. When we are hurt, we want to hurt the other same way as they are hurting us. When we do this we don’t even realize that we lose our essence and we acquire their negative response as part of our act. This makes us lose our perspective and we tend to start becoming someone who we actually are not.
Lets understand everyone is different, and have their own accumulation from life and their response wont match our expectation. We need to take responsibility of our thoughts and actions so that we don’t lose ourselves in the essence of maintaining that emotional bond.
Lets first accept our limitation, accept our emotions positive or negative and nurture ourselves to heal our pain inside. Then accept others the way they are. We need to build that kind of orientation that our flow of energy should not deplete our essence. We need to take charge of our emotional wellness and give only that much which can help us establish peace when things are not going our ways.
Its important to learn that before you love someone, you need to self love, heal and nurture yourself inside, so that the strength in you can give you the right direction to flow, with faith that whichever way it goes. It’s for the best.

Let nothing dim the light that shines from within!
Accepting your potential to love and emote your feelings can take you long way. Don’t emotionally drain yourself bu ushering too much emotions on others, when your expectation to receive the same from others is not matching your frequency. Don’t create disappointments, or hurt that would create deeper voids in you.
The greatest wisdom is you are love yourself that’s why it flows through you. Believe in yourself, find happiness within. If you are happy the magic will cast spell on others and you will make everyone around you happy. If you would be contend with the love inside you, you will not need anyone to make you feel complete.
This is easy to say then done, but connected with your self, and repeated reminders to yourself that you are complete. That you love yourself more than you love anyone will make you strong at heart and with time it will become part of your core strength.
Last but not the least, we humans as our constant en-devour will always seek love and emotions but once we learn the art of detachment and self fulfillment, pain would be less. No or limited expectations remove all the power to hurt our feelings.
Create a greater meaning for your life by creating higher expectations from yourself. Be a challenger for your own potential to fulfill the expectation of better you, strong you.
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