The Elephant Personality
Elephant Characteristics: Oversized • Spiritual • Intelligent • Principled • Protective • Pompous
Three Distinct Traits: attentiveness, sociability, and aggressiveness.
An elephant personality is about exuding confidence and calm in all aspects of his or her life. They may not be the king of their domain but certainly belong to the royal family. They have an imposing physical presence and spiritual demeanor and move easily through life with very few barriers that can hold them back.
There’s a touch of cool in the stoic elephant personality that’s appealing and reassuring and, in all probability, this composure stems from the knowledge that they are aware that they have no natural enemies. Mostly they are unruffled beings in all situations.

The Elephant Personality. Understanding Your Inner Elephant
Generally slow to anger, can sometimes exhibit a violent temper, and will employ their powerful personalities to humble unwanted intrusion.
If they set their mind to something, nothing waver in their commitment until the task is completed. Their intelligence — combined with a formidable personality — gives them a terrific advantage in business and social affairs, while their communication skills make them first-rate leaders. Trustworthy and honest, they always let others know where they stand with regard to their feelings.
In work, they are usually found in leadership roles as executives or company presidents and, although highly paid, are never ostentatious with their wealth. Interestingly, when it comes to the top echelons of political office, elephant personalities are far more likely to be female… females are more likely to maintain an even temper while their counterparts tend to be less predictable.
Manager • Judge • Musician • Business Executive • Politician • Leader
Singing • Family • Art appreciation
The elephant’s mammoth emotions impress their lovers. They inject so much emotional and psychic energy into a relationship that lovers find so compelling.
Elephant personalities almost always have a passion for the arts — particularly history and psychology, and find enormous value in the lessons of the past. They tend to seek mates who appreciate their gentle sensitivities, yet strong enough to keep pace with their powerful personalities.
They have no shame in showing an expression of their emotions. They express their happiness and joy when they are amongst their loved ones-family and friends. They anticipate complete exuberance for the reunions with their people. Their excitement visibly flows as fluid from their temporal glands streams down the sides of their faces.
The grieving process is one of the most moving displays of elephant personality. Elephants remember and mourn loved ones, even many years after their death. When an elephant walks past a place where a loved one died he or she will stop and take a silent pause that can last several minutes. They are always reliving memories.
Rage and Stress
Anxiety, rage and stress, unfortunately, are also commonplace in the elephant repertoire of emotions. Any perception of betrayal, or being pushed way too outside of their comfort zone can often disrupt their balance and calmness and can leave them with some difficult unresolved emotions that they don’t understand how to comprehend.
Compassion and Altruism
Compassion comes naturally to them. They are intensely loyal and willing to be vulnerable with people they love. They are strong-willed, equally compassionate and forgiving, and they’ll try their hardest to see the good in their friends and partners. Risking their life for the sake of loved ones is remarkably altruistic in nature.
Elephants reveal a creature that weeps, revels, rages and grieves. They lead us to believe that the depth of elephant emotional capacity knows no limit. They are striking because they suggest that elephants act on feelings and not solely for survival.
Do you resonate with an Elephant? Do share your thoughts in the comment box below.
Watch Elephant on Hotstar – Elephant Shani and her son Jomo set out on an epic journey across the Kalahari Desert following the footsteps of their ancestors on a quest to reach paradise.
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