Everything Happens Here In The Mind | Spiritual Views


Everything Happens Here In The Mind | Spiritual Views

Everything happens here in the mind. The mind’s desire to control the uncontrollable confines you. You are not constrained by any concept or idea, despite appearances. Unchain yourself. Simplify.

We’re always chasing something and ending up with nothing.

Everything here is spontaneous, inevitable, and ephemeral. Similarly to every thought, emotion, sensation, perception, experience, memory, and moment

In reality, nothing truly is, because everything is merely a transition from nothing to something, from here to there, between this and that, and back to nothing.

Examine the nature of your own experiences. Discover what is true for you. 

The Mind’s Desire To Control The Uncontrollable.

With egoic delusion, our mind is constantly playing games. To awaken from the dream of egoic delusion, you must embody this undeniable truth. Nothing is what it appears to be.

Interesting Read: Understanding delusions – PMC – NCBI

Keep nothing because nothing truly exists.

True freedom comes from freeing yourself from the mind’s desire to control the uncontrollable.

To integrate this understanding into our lives, humans must delve deeply into the transient nature of being. “Letting go of attachments” is one of the most important spiritual teachings. Clinging to anything causes suffering, regardless of whether it is your possessions, relationships, sense of self, career, beliefs, thoughts, or even emotions. To be truly free in life, you must free yourself from the illusion of how the world appears.

Dhamma Talks: The Desire to Be Free from Desire

You must think beyond the subjective.

You must surrender to the current of the ever-flowing stream of reality that is yourSelf—a reality that constantly and unexpectedly unfolds.

You imagine your anguish. You imagine your pain. After all, who is suffering? It’s just the ego! It is only the false self that has projected its image of itself onto something that does not exist.

In truth, you are the bliss underneath all misperceptions! Your freedom could not be any closer; you only need to disbelieve what you think you already know.

Suffering is imaginary.

To be clear, nothing in life truly belongs to you. Always remember that you are aware. Awareness is the suchness of this natural knowingness that you are—a knowingness that happens all of a sudden all the time. 

Medium Read: We suffer more often in imagination than in reality.

What is there to be sad about? And to whom does this anguish appear? You are the constant awareness in which all things rise and fall on their own! Nothing remains except your attachment to the fictitious byproducts of your imagination.

The absolute reality is that you are this moment, and this moment, like you, is infinite and eternal. You are always the one with this spontaneous moment that happens all of a sudden. 

Despite appearances, you are not bound by any concept or idea

Unchain yourself. Simplify.

Allow yourself to be in your natural inner stillness, the aware silence of Self. Know yourself as a presence, as an infinite.

You are not a thing; you are nothing but Now. You are the spontaneous bliss of being. You are the effervescent flow of awareness, continually refreshed and renewed.

Unchain Yourself From The Mind

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