A Survival Guide for Teenagers
Teenage life is like a roller coaster ride. You will go through many bumps, lows, and highs but you will still be full of hope and optimism, envisioning futures of possibility, prosperity, passion, positive relationships, and perfect happiness. The optimism of adolescence can be a powerful resilience buffer when things get tough. Take charge of your life with these life lessons that can be your survival guide to sail through your teenage life.
A Survival Guide for Teenagers to Take Charge of Their Life

True Best Friends Support Each Other
True best friends will always support each other and they stand for each other against all odds. They will never judge and always be there to keep your secrets. Honesty is the key to the survival of true friendship and gossip behind is never a game. You don’t need to talk to each other every day to know you are there for each other. True friends are who will make you laugh when you feel down and help you before even knowing what you want their help for. They are good at reading your face. Remember you never go after the ex-boyfriends/girlfriends of your true friends.
Forgive And Forget 😂😥
You’re bound to run into some bullies and backstabbers during your teenage years. You’ll want to retaliate, and you’ll seek revenge but here’s the truth: it’s better to just forgive and forget.

Be Yourself
You’ll be one miserable teenager if you’re not yourself as much as possible. Not being yourself when you’re young is like robbing yourself of the potential of growing a strong personality that makes you stand apart from others. Remember God has gifted every one of you with special skills and qualities. So you don’t need to copy others and create a facade. You need to figure out who you are when you’re a teenager, and the best way to do that is by being yourself. You’ll make the greatest friends this way too, and never feel trapped inside your own pretensions.
Plan Ahead
Your teenager life is like a marathon. You need to work hard mentally and physically to prepare yourself for what lies ahead. You need to plan for the future and study hard in school, make meaningful relationships, and learn important life lessons. If you forget to plan ahead, your adult life will be a lot more difficult than it needs to be. You need to be involved with life and give your best at every step of this marathon race till you achieve victory in this marathon.
Grades Matter
Grades in high school really do matter, so you can’t neglect your studies year after year. How you perform in high school will determine where you go to college after graduation. That’s why you should do your best to earn respectable grades each semester!
Always Think Before You Speak
Unmindful speaking can cause hurt to others and may make you lose good friends. It isn’t necessarily your fault; after all, your hormones are all out of whack and you’re facing more difficult problems than ever before. But if you want to survive the teenage years, you need to think before you speak. Doing so will save you from countless lectures, fights, breakups, and misunderstandings. Plus, this is a great skill to develop before you enter the workforce later in life.

Mean Girls Are Just Jealous
You must have already established that mean girls exist, and they come in every shape and size, attacking you from every angle possible, but their motive is always the same; they’re jealous. So instead of hating your mean girl right back, take her cruelty as a compliment! Greet her with a smile and a wave, then move on with your day.
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Your Parents Love You
Parents’ love for you will always be unconditional. Even when they scold you, ground you, ignore you and shout at you, still they love you. If you feel like you’re fighting with your parents more than ever now, it’s probably because you are. You’re a mini adult now and you think you know everything, just like your parents think they know everything. That’s a recipe for disaster, so you’ll argue a lot and get in trouble even more often than when you run around in a diaper drawing on the walls! But despite all this, it’s important to remember that your parents love you; they always will.
Stranger Danger
Stranger danger is no joke, and it’s an important rule to remember during your teenage years. The world is full of twisted, evil people who could harm you if they got the chance. And you’ll never know who they are until it’s too late! That’s why you should never accept friendship requests on your social media accounts from any strangers, don’t keep your accounts public and be susceptible to all kinds of vulnerability, don’t take drinks without you being watchful! Also, have a friend or family member to confide in if you face anything weird or strange.
The Internet Is Forever
Everything you post, tweet, share, and retweet last forever. Even if you delete your account, someone may have saved an embarrassing picture or post to their phone or computer. So be careful what you post, because the internet is forever, and it may catch up to you someday!
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It’s Okay To Say No
In a world full of yeses, it’s okay to say no sometimes, in fact, it’s smart too! You shouldn’t feel obligated to say yes to everyone who applies a little bit of peer pressure to you, because that can lead to huge mistakes, like experimenting with drugs or having sex before you’re ready to. You, your parents, and of course the law determine what is okay for you to do at your age. But ultimately, you’re the one who determines what you actually do when your parents and the police are nowhere to be found. And most often, it comes down to a simple question: yes or no? To survive your teenage years, you need to know that it’s okay to say no sometimes.
Speak Up
The world is full of injustice, which you don’t really start to notice until you’re a teen. When you see mean or suspicious things going on, it’s your duty as an individual to speak up. If anyone does anything morally wrong to you or someone else, always speak up. Staying quiet is exactly what bad people want you to do, and if you make a habit of it now, odds are you’ll be a silent observer for the rest of your life.
Keep Reinventing Yourself.
You won’t have much fun as a teen if you settle into one identity and stick with it until you’re 18. You should shake things up and try new things to reinvent yourself daily! Listen to new music, reinvent your dressing style, try new hairstyles, involve in different hobbies, and join as many interactive clubs as you can! There’s no point in sticking to your clique’s identity when adolescence is all about figuring out who you are!
Make Choices That Have More to do With Your Values Than Your Friends
It may look like others are moving ahead into adulthood and you’re being left behind. But this is not true. You don’t need to worry about not having a boyfriend/girlfriend and thinking you’re not good enough and all the other things that can preoccupy a teen’s mind. You are not in competition with others. Remember, you are an original so your choices should have far more to do with your values than your friends.
Character is Everything
Strive for personal integrity. Be a person of your word. We live in a world that puts a lot of emphasis on success and money and fame and popularity, but none of that can lay a finger on a person who has deep character. The deep character will get you further than all of the above. So, go deep and then go deeper. Go deep in kindness. Go deep in courage to do the right thing. Go deep in humility. Go deep in grace. Be upright in what you say and do.
Your Body Is Beautiful
Every teenager ought to know this if they want to be happy and confident. It isn’t an opinion, it isn’t a perception, it’s a fact. Your body is beautiful. Yours is the only one exactly like it, crafted to be perfect in its own unique way. So stop listening to what your peers and the media have to say about your body “type”, and don’t insult yourself! The body you have is a perfect machine that is beautiful and magnificent beyond compare! Focus on your health and exercise daily to keep it Fit and Healthy. Always respect it by nurturing it with nutritious food.
Your Health Matters
One of the best benefits of being young is having a stellar metabolism. You can eat pizza and ice cream every day and not have nearly as extreme consequences as your mom would. But just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. Your health matters, even when you’re young, and you need to give your body fuel it can use to grow and develop into a healthy adult body. If you don’t take care of your body now, you will face hormonal imbalances and be challenged with lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity, thyroid, and pcod at a very early age. Being an aware teen, you should focus on wellness and healthy eating.
You Will Outgrow People
They will outgrow you. It’s OK. Some people are meant to stay for a lifetime and most aren’t. You will be betrayed by friends you hold dear. But don’t let bitterness take root in your heart. Learn from it and move on. But don’t be surprised by it. We are all broken, flawed people susceptible to acting in inexcusable ways.
Be Humble
Don’t ever think that you couldn’t be in someone else’s shoes. It only takes a few bad decisions or unexpected life circumstances to wipe you off your feet. Don’t ever think of yourself more highly than others.
Be Confident
Don’t be embarrassed if you don’t know something or when you make a mistake. None of that defines you as a person, your character does. Confidence comes from knowing your worth. Remember, you are a priceless original.
Ask For Help
As a teen, you may feel shame asking for help, but trust me there is no shame in asking for help when you’re 5, 15, or 55 years old. And since you’re young, people practically expect that you’ll be brimming with questions! If you are, speak your mind, ask for help with your problems and troubles. People are placed in your life for a reason, and sometimes that reason is to pass their wisdom onto you. Your parents are your guardians, talk to them openly about all the queries you have in life.
Don’t Give Into Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is probably the biggest threat you’ll face between ages 13 to 18. It seems like everyone wants something from you, or wants you to do something with them. But no matter what angle people come at you from, or what sort of power they try to assert over you, don’t give in. Know when to say yes and when to say no, but more importantly know who your real friends are. Because true friends will care about you too much to pressure you into doing anything you’re uncomfortable with.
Laugh and Love
Laughter and love really are the best medicines. It really does lighten a load. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at others, but not to their face. LOL. Laugh, and laugh, and laugh some more. Life is funny and we take ourselves too seriously sometimes. Surround yourself with friends who make you laugh and be with people who laugh and laugh at your feeble attempts and then love yourself for trying and trying again. Set your life cycle to laugh and love and repeat and your load will be lighter.
Take these simple tips as your ultimate teenage survival guide! Teenage is the best time of life. Explore, evolve and become the best version of yourself.
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