Sometimes the Heart Sees What is Invisible to Eyes!


Sometimes the Heart Sees What is Invisible to Eyes!

“Sometimes heart sees what is invisible to the eyes”, this is a well known quote!

by H. Jackson Brown.

Emotions are felt by heart, eyes are just a visual imagination of the physical beauty. 

The most beautiful things in life are felt in heart with closed eyes.
The most beautiful things in life are felt in heart with closed eyes.

There are beautiful emotions like friendship, love, affection, care, empathy, understanding which only the heart can feel.

Close your eyes, fall in Love, stay there.

Emotions have a strong connection to our gut, they are connected to our cellular memory which we have carried as our experience for various births. Eyes just interpret the conscious active mind sent as signals by our brain.

Thomas A. Edison saw the bulb lighting in his heart before he could make a bulb actually light up. Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi saw the freedom movement in his heart before he actually launched the Indian Freedom Movement against the British.

There are many such examples which proves the fact that our eyes sees what our brain wants it to see, but our heart feels what our brain cannot even think.

There are many things we cant see but feel; like the air we breathe, the love we feel, empathy that flows, god that we believe. 

You can close your eyes to the things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to the things you don’t want to feel

Scientifically, our heart has the memory that remains forever, what stays during our life (individual memory) and is preserved in the next generations (species memory). The memory is made by experiences and assures the evolution, both of the individual and of the species. The theory of cellular memories states that memories, as well as personality traits, are not only stored in the brain but may also be stored in organs such as the heart. The best way to understand cellular memories is studying cases of heart transplants.

Our heart has the potential to make us see the full, vivid picture. It helps us to understand the real essence of life itself and thus deepens the meaning of our existence.

“Close your eyes to see me with your heart.”

As humans we have always been social creatures living in groups and moved in groups since the beginning. Our actions are largely governed by society and no matter how much we criticize it, at the end of the day society is us and we are society. In an effort to fit in, to feel accepted, we have conditioned ourselves in a certain way. 

Our co-existence with the society ends up fortifying who we truly are. Hidden behind glossed-over facades, plastic fake smiles, sugar-coated words and materialistic grandeur has made us the biggest mystery in our own life.

Finding oneself, naked without the endless masks and covers has become one of the most challenging tasks to fit in our Ideal mapping of our image. We have forgotten who we really are and lost much of our originality questioning the validity of our true self. This is where the heart steps in to save the day.

Let’s drop the illusion of eyes, and experience the heart that goes beyond, breaking through walls, cutting through the strong winds.

“Close your eyes to feel deeply the tranquility and serenity of the mind.”

Our feelings and thoughts define our identity. We can understand the true nature of something only by associating it with emotions. Emotions give meaning to what happens around us, it is the element that sets apart different situations.

Heart is the largest generator of love energy, when we focus on it consciously and intentionally it can be used to bring greater love, harmony and peace to others.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr. was, indeed, right. Sometimes the heart does see what is invisible to the eyes. And what’s invisible to the eye is what is the most important in our life.

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