Important Reminders About Taking Care of Your Needs and Expectations
Life unfolds many different shades of people and you might feel disappointed and hurt for the people’s actions and reactions. In the midst of fulfilling everyone’s expectations you just miss to live for yourself. Don’t just ignore yourself. Your needs matter. Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you and your life, not what’s best for everyone else.

You tend to live a life ceaselessly trying to please people who are perhaps incapable of ever being pleased, or have value in what you do for them. They are the ones who make you feel you are worthless and your existence holds no value.
But is it a good feeling to feel non-existent or worthless? Isn’t life is about being more than just existing.
We all exist. The question is: Do you live?
If you are in the same place where your loved ones make you question your integrity then it’s time to pause, rethink and start making changes today. Life’s too short and living it on your own terms is a very important self action that’s required to make you live more than just existence.

You don’t need to seek approval from everyone for every little thing you do. You have the right to take care of your needs and live upto your expectations of life you desire for.
- First and foremost, you can’t please everyone. – Life is under no obligation to please others or to oblige others for what they expect of you. Do things that you care for and that makes sense to you for its righteousness. Don’t just do things because everyone else expects you to.
- Too much expectations robs you of great life experiences. – You tend to believe it’s your moral duty to abide by people’s expectations. And when you are not able to fulfill their needs you feel incapable, disappointed and are also made to feel useless.
Everyone around you is selfish in their ways and needs. Don’t just get carried away by the moral values of making others happy all the time. It’s important to put your needs and desires also as an important proposition for the people who take you for granted or don’t reciprocate with the same anticipation.
It’s ok if you can’t fulfill expectations. Hold no regrets. Noone caters to you also the same way as you expect. So don’t be fooled in this fool’s paradise. - You don’t need hand holding for every step of the way. – Be autonomous and willing to go alone sometimes. You don’t need permission to grow. Not everyone who started with you will finish with you. And that’s OK.
- You get to learn from your mistakes at your own pace. – In life you will go wrong, and will surely mess up sometimes. But then that’s what evolving is. Don’t look for others to justify your actions. As long as you’re listening to your intuition, you know your way and you know where you want to head for. Trust your journey and your actions. You only know what’s best for you and you should be the one to decide how you’re going to live and what you’re going to learn along the way.
- You are your best Introspector.
No one knows you better than you know yourself. You put many faces on different people and situations. But you know inside who you are. Even if they get the basic gist of who you are, they’re still missing a big piece of the puzzle. What other people think of you will rarely contain the whole truth, which is fine. So if someone forms an opinion of you based on superficialities, then it’s up to them, not you, to reform those opinions. Leave it to them to worry about. You know who you are and what’s best for you. - Only YOU can define the limits for you and your life. – Some people will suffocate you over time if you let them; and how you’ll lose yourself will not be the realisation. It’s best to close your ears and listen to your inner voice instead. Remember that real things in life are felt inside. It’s living your truth and doing what makes you feel alive.
- Create your happiness by simply living your life your own way. – There comes a time when your back is towards all the shit life throws on you and you realize all you can do is say, “Screw it, I’m doing things my way!” That’s the earth-shattering moment you stop living for someone else’s expectations, and start making progress on what’s truly important to YOU. That’s when you begin to live life according to your own morals and values. That’s when you can finally be at your happiest.
- You can best serve yourself and others by giving yourself what YOU need. – Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and pursue it at all costs. That’s what this world needs – people like YOU who come alive. Which means your needs matter; so don’t ignore them. Sometimes you have to do what’s best for you and your life, not just what seems best on the surface for everyone else.
- You need to create your own reality. – One thing is for sure: If you give too much power to the opinions of others, you will become their prisoner. So never let someone’s opinion define your reality.
- Allow yourself the freedom to speak your truth. – You always fear the perception of others for yourself. This keeps you from speaking your truth. You need to give yourself that freedom to be yourself without fearing what others might think. Let the consequences of doing so unravel naturally. You would realise that most of the time no one will be offended or irritated at all. And if they do get upset, it’s likely only because you’ve started behaving in a way that makes them feel they have less power over you. Think about it. Why lie?
- Your hater club will have less of an effect on you. – Don’t worry about the haters, ever. Don’t let them get to you. They’re just upset because the truth you know contradicts the lies they live. Period.
- You celebrate your individuality openly. – Free yourself from constantly seeking approval from others. Others who have the habit of forming negative judgments of you will be powerless. Uniqueness is priceless. In this crazy world that’s trying to make you like everyone else, find the courage to keep being your remarkable self. It takes a lot of courage to stand alone, but it’s worth it. Being unapologetically YOU is worth it!
- Forgo the drama. –
There can very easily be less drama to deal with on a daily basis if you learn to ignore the negativity around you. Just be sincere and kind, and promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate. - Create your like minded tribe. –
When you’re feeling insecure, you typically don’t notice the hundreds of people around you who accept you just the way you are. All you notice are the few who don’t. Don’t ever forget your worth. Spend time with those who value you. No matter how good you are to people, there will always be negative minds out there who criticize you. Smile, ignore them, and carry on. You might feel unwanted and unworthy to one person, but you are priceless to another. - No More one-sided expectations. – When it comes to your relationships, don’t keep everything you need to say to yourself. Let it out. Express your point of view. Communication is not just an important part of a relationship, communication is the relationship. Communicate even when it’s uncomfortable and uneasy. One of the best ways to heal and grow a relationship is simply getting everything on the inside out in the open.
- Be your Best, without competing with everyone else. – The best mantra is to be happy and nurture yourself with self love. Simply do your best and not compare or compete. Always… Be strong, but not rude. Be kind, but not weak. Be humble, but not timid. Be proud, but not arrogant. Be bold, but not a bully.
- Your relationship with yourself is the closest.-You are not obligated to anyone more so than you are to yourself. So don’t forget about YOU out there, and don’t be too hard on yourself either. There are plenty of others willing to do both for you. And remember, if you don’t take good care of yourself, then you can’t take good care of others either; which is why taking care of yourself is the best selfish thing you can do.

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