A great relationship is about appreciating the similarities and respecting the differences. But there is one more thing that creates strength and purpose and that is flow of good vibes!
Build Positive Relationships!
Relationships start with the feeling of butterflies or planning outfits or composing text messages in the early days of new relationships. But there are certain things you should do at the start of every new relationship — things that will help to ensure that the vibe between you and your partner starts on the right foot, and continues in an orderly and fabulous fashion.
One thing is for sure, though: Strong, healthy, long-term relationships don’t just happen: They take diligence, awareness and a definite sense of being present and in the moment.
Honesty and Open-Mindedness
A relationship should start with a smart dose of honesty and open-mindedness to understand each other better. A nice pinch of vulnerability does wonders too. Find ways to work deal-breakers into the conversation.
Communicate who you are, show up as a real you inside so that this new association stands on some strong grounds. Of course, it’s not that fun to talk about all of the things you don’t want when you’re trying to dive headfirst into something that feels amazing, but it’s best to get anything that could gum up the works later off your chest immediately. It certainly can’t hurt, and it might make your new partnership just a little more smooth-sailing.
Deal-breakers are Milestones
These deal breakers are milestones to a strong foundation later. And it’s not fair if you wait until much later to bring them up. “It is better sooner than later to mention deal breakers, so that you are fair to the other person, and so that you are not wasting either of your time. And you know that you both didn’t miss meeting the perfect person because you did not address these incompatibilities head on.”
Reflect Your True Self!
Relationships should be encouraging, and should make you reflect your true self. No relationships could survive on pretensions.
Your clarity on what you want could help you move forward in the relationship with a lot of conviction and purpose which can be the factor to hold you together in times when things would go tough.
Be Real!
It can be so tempting to try to be a better, sparkier version of yourself when you first meet someone. But that will never work out in the long run. “Cross-check to make sure you are both looking for the same things.
Relationships can totally askew if you fail hard to talk about the fact that makes you the real you. So don’t fall into that trap: “New relationship energy blinds you to tackling controversial issues because you think love will conquer all. Which is really stupid.
And, relationships should not become complacent or under-appreciated. You should give as much love, time and energy as you can to make sure that your relationship is something that is fulfilling to both of you.
Be Open and Listen
People get swept up in romance and excitement, and they forget to listen and learn about the person they’re dreaming about and fantasizing a life together. In the beginning, Just listen. Be open to what your partner is saying and see if that’s what would make a strong association between you in future.
In other words, don’t let romance cloud your judgment — or clog your ears. “Sex and romance are wonderful, but using the beginning of dating to really learn about the person and to decide if you’re compatible is a better use of your time and energy”. If it’s a good match, there will be plenty of time for that later.
Be Honest with Your Commitments than Bearing the Burn Later!
“It’s totally normal to want to display the best version of ourselves early on in a relationship, but that can also lead to white lies, or straight-up lies”. This is the time to be open about yourself and share the dark truths about yourself. You are still building that trust and it may not be easy but it will give you both time and space to adapt and adjust to hard realities if the relationship is meaningful for you.
If you lie, they’ll find out — and then they’ll know you’re a liar, too. “The truth will come out eventually, so might as well face your disagreements now. It will not guarantee the end of the relationship — promise!” And if a fling does end as a result of being transparent about your needs, it’s for the best anyway.
Don’t Create Impressions, Create Impact with your True Character
Instead of trying to be super perfect, what if you were your natural, imperfect, cutely flawed self? The one thing you should do at the start of every relationship is be who you are from day one. People often talk about the honeymoon phase and how quickly it fades away, but what they do not realize is that most of the fade is attributed to a ‘false start’.
The false start doesn’t make things go better as time goes on. Honesty is the only way to go, which creates a real impact, making a good impression is just another form of dishonesty. “Be who you are from the beginning so that you will not disappoint or set false expectations for your partner going forward”.
Be Clear In Your Commitments
What you are expecting out of a relationship should be communicated well to both the partners. It’s worth waiting until you know what you want with someone. Give enough time to know what you want out of the commitment.
Don’t Compare, Redefine Your Love!
“The one imperative at the start of every new relationship is leave your past relationships behind”. “Too many times relationships with potential go bad as you compare a past partner to a new one.” Have Faith In Your New Significant Other. Remember That Your Past Relationships Have Ended For A Reason. Separate The “Back Then” From The “Right Now”
While we should learn from our exes to enhance our new relationships, we should not compare one to another. If we want our new relationships to thrive, we must disallow ourselves from comparison in our love-life history as much as possible. Just as the universe allows us additional chances, allow you and your partner to redefine what love means.
“Emotional scars and wounds from your past can easily sabotage any new relationship.” If you had a bad breakup, be sure to heal and give yourself space before jumping into something new. “Take the time to identify unresolved feelings of anger, hurt, guilt and disappointment from the past and accept these feelings as lessons learned”. “It then becomes easier to move on.”

Best Moments Together!
Just Find a Fun Time
Don’t forget to have a great time. “Enjoy the initial getting to know each other moments and try not to worry about what comes next. Don’t limit your experiences to just lovemaking. Go out, do things together which makes you alive together. Make sure you spend time with each other’s friends, find time to chill out together. Do things together that make you best buddies together.
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