Tag: self love

  • Why I Am Attracting The Same Kind Of People That Hurt Me

    What we attract, is the reflection of ourselves. Our subconscious mind keeps attracting the same kind of pattern based on our unresolved emotions and the painful experiences which we still carry in ourselves. Break the pattern. Define your path, set your goals, find your true purpose of existence, and don’t limit yourself to blaming others.…

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  • Emotional Healing Happens By Feeling

    Emotional Healing happens by feeling. “Your pain needs to be recognized and acknowledged. It needs to be acknowledged and then released. Avoiding pain is the same as denying it.”

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  • It’s Okay to be Wrong Sometimes

    It’s okay to be wrong sometimes. Not always the situations are in your favor. A number of times in spite of all the efforts, things just don’t tend to be perfect or as magical as you would wish them to be. You may put all your energy and effort and still, it leads nowhere. It’s…

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  • The 16 Mindset Shifts That Finally Liberated Me In My 40s

    Important life lessons I learned after turning 40. The 16 Mindset Shifts that finally liberated me and made me more mindful, joyful and happy in life.

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  • Embrace Your Feminine Power!

    Embracing your feminine power makes you more attractive, full of life and oozes the true feminine qualities of you as a woman.

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    Activate Divine Feminine Power
  • Empaths: Protect Empathy Burnout to Create Balance in Relationship

    As an Empath you feel others’ emotions deeply. You easily sense someone else’s sadness or happiness. Here are ways to Protect Yourself From ‘Empathy Burnout’

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    Emotional Empaths
  • Don’t Play Victim, No One Owns Your Joy!

    We play victims and blame others for our unhappiness. But to be joyful, you need to be liberated and that comes when you take charge of your life!

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    "let your intuition guide you, you are what you have been looking for"