Tag: relationships
There Will Never Be Another Precious You!
You may win or lose, But to be yourself is all that you can do. Strive for yourself. Fight for yourself. Live for yourself. There Will Never Be Another Precious You!
Trapped with a Dominating Partner | Relationship Advice
Being with a dominating partner is like a push-and-pull relationship, where the control freak always forces and manipulates your every decision. A partner who lives through this push or pulls of extremities of emotions becomes confused with the whole idea of what they really seeking of this overly suffocating relationship.
A Relationship Without A Goal
A relationship without a goal may seem like an aimless journey. However, for the most part, you live without goals is absolutely liberating.
Why People are Trapped in an Unhappy Relationship
People are trapped in their own mindset and are sufferers of their own choices. Unhappy relationships create a great void in a person’s life, enticing them to leap into their fantasy world to make them illusionary escape from their problems leaving them more isolated, hurt, and in deep pain.
Relationships are Harder Now!
Relationships are Harder Now because conversations became texting, arguments became phone calls and feelings became status.
Modern Arranged Marriages Stand Better Survival
Modern Arranged Marriages Stand Better Survival Rate than Love Marriages. So, what makes this traditional system a better survival?
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