Tag: mindfulness
Negatively Biased Mind Needs Attention | Mindfulness
Negatively Biased Mind Racing Against 80,000 Thoughts needs Mindfulness to tame it. Practicing mindfulness can change your thoughts and life.
The 16 Mindset Shifts That Finally Liberated Me In My 40s
Important life lessons I learned after turning 40. The 16 Mindset Shifts that finally liberated me and made me more mindful, joyful and happy in life.
Detachment An Art To Be Self Reliant | Self Awareness
Relationships Starts With A Beautiful Connect We start with a beautiful connection, and that deep attraction makes us fall in love with the person. Slowly that sweet feelings mould into fights and disagreements. Love is very hollow, the more you dive deeper, more you feel lost and empty inside. In love we care and depend
Everyone has an Ikigai | Japanese Concept of Happiness
Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life.
Meditation-A Challenge to be a Silent Mind
Meditation-The State of Silence! Meditation is a big challenge for some. Learn the simple ways to be aware and be in meditative state.
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