Tag: behavior
The Architect Personality: Unlocking Your Creative Brilliance
Do you find yourself constantly questioning the world around you, seeking to uncover its inner workings? Are you known for your analytical prowess and ability to solve complex problems with ease? If so, you may possess what is commonly referred to as an “Architect Personality.”
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Gaslighting Parents: The Psychological Impact on Children
Gaslighting parents can severely affect their children’s mental health and well-being. This parenting style raises children with challenges: codependency, addiction, and an inability to trust themselves or others.
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Controlling Your Relationship Brings More Unhappiness
Controlling your relationship with desperate and manipulative attempts to win your partner’s affections never brings the results you are aiming for. Learn the art of having healthy and happy relationship.
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Jealousy A Perplexed Emotion of Complex Human Mind
Jealousy comes out of a lack of trust; lack of trust in the process of life, in your partner, in yourself. Lack of trust breeds insecurity, insecurity creates vague stories in your mind, which creates uncomfortable feelings and we stifle these feelings seeking more information, facts to overcome and validate.
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