Tag: behavior

  • The Art of Listening: Nourishing Relationships with Undivided Attention

    The art of listening goes beyond just hearing words—it’s about presence, patience, and empathy. When we listen with undivided attention, we build trust, deepen connections, and nurture meaningful relationships. Learn how active listening can transform your personal and professional life.

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    The Art of Listening
  • Your Biggest Supporter is a Stranger

    Your biggest supporter is a stranger, not those you expected. Discover why unfamiliar faces often uplift you more than close ones and how to embrace their genuine encouragement on your journey.

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    Your Biggest Supporter is a Stranger
  • What Are We Indians Getting Wrong? A Personal Reflection

    As a society, we need to redefine success beyond academics, confront social inequalities, address corruption, prioritize environmental sustainability, and destigmatize mental health. Only by acknowledging these areas can we create a more inclusive and forward-thinking future for India.

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    What Are We Indians Getting Wrong?
  • Nurturing Children with Moral Values: A Parent’s True Responsibility

    Nurturing children with moral values is crucial for their holistic development. It goes beyond basic parenting, shaping their character, guiding ethical decision-making, and fostering emotional resilience. By instilling these values, parents equip their children to navigate life’s challenges with integrity, empathy, and a deep understanding of right and wrong.

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    Nurturing children with moral values,
  • Patriarchal Bargain: Trade-offs in a Male-Dominated World

    The concept of the Patriarchal Bargain explains how women navigate male-dominated societies by making trade-offs, often sacrificing autonomy for security, status, or acceptance. While these compromises may offer short-term benefits, they also reinforce gender inequalities, perpetuating a cycle that limits women’s freedom and equality in the long term.

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    The Patriarchal Bargain
  • The Rat Race: Is It Necessary for a Good Life?

    Is the rat race necessary for a good life? This article explores redefining success, embracing mindfulness, and prioritizing well-being over constant competition. Discover how stepping away from societal pressures can lead to a more fulfilling, balanced, and meaningful existence.

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    Get out of the rat race
  • 5 Tips for Maintaining a Maid for Domestic Chores

    In the intricate fabric of Indian households, maids weave indispensable threads, managing chores with expertise. Yet, retaining their services long-term demands finesse. Explore vital strategies to nurture enduring bonds, fostering respect, clear communication, and mutual growth. Unravel the keys to a harmonious domestic partnership in the Indian context.

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    Unravel the essential keys for maintaining a maid for domestic chores.
  • “Unleashing the Power of the Bird”

    Birds possess an inherent power, reflected in their freedom, resilience, and adaptability, qualities mirrored in individuals with the “bird” personality.

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    Unleashing the Power of the Bird
  • Unveiling the Vulnerability: Why Strong Women Are Soft Targets for Psychopaths

    “Amidst strength and discontent, a paradox unfolds — resilient women, seemingly unyielding, unwittingly attract psychopaths. The interplay of societal expectations and hidden vulnerabilities weaves a captivating psychological tapestry.”

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    Unveiling the Vulnerability
  • Repression Feels Easier, Transformation Is Difficult

    “Choose transformation over repression for lasting healing, growth, and a fulfilling life. Discover the path to a better future.”

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    Repression does not free one from anything
  • The Architect Personality: Unlocking Your Creative Brilliance

    Do you find yourself constantly questioning the world around you, seeking to uncover its inner workings? Are you known for your analytical prowess and ability to solve complex problems with ease? If so, you may possess what is commonly referred to as an “Architect Personality.”

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    The Architect Personality
  • Gaslighting Parents: The Psychological Impact on Children

    Gaslighting parents can severely affect their children’s mental health and well-being. This parenting style raises children with challenges: codependency, addiction, and an inability to trust themselves or others. 

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    Gaslighting Parents
  • Controlling Your Relationship Brings More Unhappiness

    Controlling your relationship with desperate and manipulative attempts to win your partner’s affections never brings the results you are aiming for. Learn the art of having healthy and happy relationship.

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    Controlling Your Relationship Brings More Unhappiness
  • Why Dissatisfaction Is So Hardwired In Us?

    Dissatisfaction Is So Hardwired In Us. Let’s understand the surprising psychology and how we humans fight our existence between the duality of life.

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  • Self Introspection: Why I Am Not Able to Get What I Want

    If you feel that you are not able to get what you really want. Then you need to take the indispensable first step to get the things you want out of life by deciding “what you really want”?

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  • Jealousy A Perplexed Emotion of Complex Human Mind

    Jealousy comes out of a lack of trust; lack of trust in the process of life, in your partner, in yourself. Lack of trust breeds insecurity, insecurity creates vague stories in your mind, which creates uncomfortable feelings and we stifle these feelings seeking more information, facts to overcome and validate.

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    Jealousy- A perplexed emotion
  • The 16 Mindset Shifts That Finally Liberated Me In My 40s

    Important life lessons I learned after turning 40. The 16 Mindset Shifts that finally liberated me and made me more mindful, joyful and happy in life.

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  • An Epidemic of Overwhelm

    Distractions are everywhere, and with smartphones addictions/distractions it’s an epidemic already.

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  • A Person’s Behavior is a Reflection of their Internal Struggle!

    The behavior of a person talks a lot about that individual as a whole. That reflects a lot about his or her personality, as well as inner struggles. Do not be too quick to judge a person.

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    A Person's Behavior is a Reflection of their own Internal Struggle
  • Teenage Arrogance and Disrespectful Behavior

    Disrespectful behaviour is a common part of teenage development. This phase usually passes. You can avoid or handle disrespect with positive communication, strong relationships, and clear family rules. It’s best to avoid arguing, being defensive and nagging.

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    Disrespectful Teenage Behaviour
  • Anger – An Expression of an Inner Vulnerability!

    Anger – An Expression of an Inner Vulnerability! We often suppress our frustrations. This creates a lot of pent up emotions inside us!

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    Anger-An Inner Expression
  • Empaths in Relationships: Understanding Emotional Burnout and When to Walk Away

    Explore the unique characteristics of empaths, the emotional challenges they bring to relationships, and how their partners often experience emotional burnout. Learn when it might be time to reconsider the dynamics and prioritize your own well-being in an empath relationship.

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    Discover the true characteristics of empaths and how their relationships can lead to emotional burnout for their partners.
  • Loneliness, A Complex Emotion

    Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation. Loneliness is also described as social pain—a psychological mechanism which motivates individuals to seek social connections.

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  • Our Flux of Emotions, Emotional Balance

    Our emotional state is a complicated flux of positive and negative emotions. These emotions encode memories for us which either evokes sad or pleasurable events.

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    Emotional Flux