Soulmates-Are They For Real?

Soulmates are the ones you have a deep feeling or a connection or natural affinity. They arrive when we are ready to align for some purpose that was destined to be fulfilled.

You develop an instant connection with them based on similarity, love, romance, platonic, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, compatibility, or just trust.

Soulmates always arrive when we are ready for them and not a moment sooner, they arrive when we are ready to align for some purpose that was destined to be fulfilled.

You feel a deep, spiritual connection to this person almost like you have known them for a long time. The cosmic vibrations start connecting you through various frequencies. It may be five minutes. five days. five months. five years. a lifetime. five lifetimes.

Soulmates-Connecting Through!

It just manifests itself the way it is meant to be. It has an organic destiny. This connection stays or leaves, but has a deeper significance and creates a profound impact to realign your purpose in life.

These connections are for some deeper learning or message from above to guide you on your journey henceforth.

Soul Connect

These connections are to be felt not to be logically interpreted. These authentic souls come and go; to open and sweep through your life for a myriad of reasons.

Soulmates don’t always mean to be in a physical trance with someone. It’s with a person you share an intensely deep connection based on some past karmic connections and they are there to connect with your deeper deep inside world of some inner limitations, fear, anger, pain, urge, aspiration, and failures which are not part of your outer social world.

These soulmates cross your paths as friends, family, mentors, guardian angels in difficult times, long-lost love, or just someone who is sent to challenge, awaken and make you alive in order for you to transcend to a higher level consciousness and awareness. They reflect your inner-self and make you know yourself better.

Soulmates are Twin Flame

Soulmates are said to be identical twins, they share the same wavelengths, same interests, thoughts, ethics, values, sense of humor, and similar mannerisms.

Soulmates recognize each other by an awakening of past life memories...
triggered by energy through feelings.
Soulmates recognize each other by an awakening of past life memories…
triggered by energy through feelings.

They may or may not be in your close proximity or may be living thousands of miles apart which is hard to believe but they are so entwined to each other’s souls which connects them through various frequencies triggered by energy through feelings.

These bonds are transcendental from many births. These connections don’t happen just like this. We cross so many people in our lives and many we spend our whole lives with but still can’t connect deeply with them. Just a few of them are the ones where our souls connect instantly. That’s the power of past karmic connections.

The chemistry between them is natural and very organic. They connect at various levels. They might share the same dreams, same passions, and aspirations which makes them wonder whether before meeting each other, they ever experienced such a level of connection in their normal life.

Spiritually speaking, it is said that your soulmates have been determined even before you were born, and also the time is defined in life when they will cross your path. They will come and re-align your purpose in life and will make you a better person.

Nothing is Forever!

Soulmates often appear in disguise. You might mysteriously be pushed into each other to find that you are so perfectly made for each other. But they are not forever.


They would be there till you get the right perspective of your life. They are the ones to push you out of your comfort zones, pull you beyond your limits, and help you find your lost soul to connect with the right purpose and direction in life.

These relationships can be too intense or there is a certain karmic energy to the relationship that sees it come to a close once the necessary lessons have been learned.

So how would you know you’ve found your Soulmate?

  1. You will be aligned with the wavelengths of the cosmic energy which will start connecting with your frequencies at the right time.
  2. Something deep inside will tell you.
  3. You may not realize it, but you have crossed paths in previous times. You were in the same place, at some time, but never met until the time was just right.
  4. You would be very much quiet and at peace with yourself when they will enter your life to shake you through.
  5. You will hear the silent thoughts of each other without saying anything.
  6. You will feel each other’s feelings without expressing much and will be in sync with each other.
  7. You will feel happiness and joy around.
  8. You would like to embrace this energy and make it part of you.
  9. You both would find yourself on the same page intriguing the end result.
  10. You will not stop yourself from connecting with each other.
  11. You will be able to communicate and express yourself without fear of judgment.
  12. You will feel secure, and you won’t feel jealous.
  13. You will have deep respect for each other’s differences and opinions.
  14. You will naturally be a giver to make the other happy.
  15. You would realize that your reactions or words cause harm, so you would easily apologize for the harm your words can cause and would feel empathy.
  16. You would perfectly embrace the imperfections
  17. Once you are in each other’s arms, all stress, worries, and anxiety will disappear.
  18. They would infuse a purpose in your life.
  19. They would support you, guide you, and align you with your goals in life.
  20. This would always be an intense emotion that will always be there even when you part your ways.

Read Article on Finding Inner Peas: The Journey of Self-Discovery! An article about a man and woman’s existence and unfolding of all its mysteries and miracles to become an organic whole.

You may like to watch the series “Soulmates” on Prime Video

You may like to read: Only Love is Real: The Story of Soulmates Reunited by Dr. Brian Weiss (Author)

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