Category: Mindset

  • Digital Entrepreneur: What is a Digital-Preneur?

    Digital-Preneur are not the traditional work style professionals. They choose freedom, flexibility and technology to work from anywhere anytime.

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  • The Power of Positivity: How Positive People Impact Mental Health

    Being with someone who is good for your mental health makes your life easy and happy. Gives you an opportunity for self-care and self-love.

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    Be With Someone Who Is Good For Your Mental Health
  • Human Desire to Explore and Accumulate | Explorer | Gatherer

    Human Desire to Explore and Accumulate has been with us from the beginning of our Existence. Throughout history, humankind has shared an innate trait – the desire to explore. 

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    Human Desire to Explore and Accumulate
  • A Survival Guide for Teenagers: Take Charge of Your Life!

    Teenage life is like a roller coaster ride. You will go through many bumps, lows, and highs but you will still be full of hope and optimism, envisioning futures of possibility, prosperity, passion, positive relationships, and perfect happiness. The optimism of adolescence can be a powerful resilience buffer when things get tough. Take charge of…

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    Teenager Survival Guide
  • The Elephant Personality. Understand Your Inner Elephant

    An elephant personality is about exuding confidence and calm in all aspects of his or her life. They may not be the king of their domain, but certainly belong to the royal family. They have an imposing physical presence and spiritual demeanor, and move easily through life with very few barriers that can hold them…

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    The Elephant Personality
  • Jealousy A Perplexed Emotion of Complex Human Mind

    Jealousy comes out of a lack of trust; lack of trust in the process of life, in your partner, in yourself. Lack of trust breeds insecurity, insecurity creates vague stories in your mind, which creates uncomfortable feelings and we stifle these feelings seeking more information, facts to overcome and validate.

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    Jealousy- A perplexed emotion
  • The 16 Mindset Shifts That Finally Liberated Me In My 40s

    Important life lessons I learned after turning 40. The 16 Mindset Shifts that finally liberated me and made me more mindful, joyful and happy in life.

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  • Fear of Losing or Gaining of Understanding

    Fear of Losing Fear is always around some desire. A desire to achieve something, to possess something. When we want to achieve or possess something, we have fear of losing.  When we are in love, we want to hold on to that feeling of love so strongly, that we lose the perspective and want to…

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    Fear of Losing
  • Aging Means Awakening to New Way of Life

    Aging is a process to truly live, letting the fullness of our existence see the light of the day. Find true meaning for your life.

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    Aging is a process
  • Insanity in Defense of Limitations, Break the Barriers!

    We always blame the outer circumstances for the limitations we experience in our life. All our successes or failures are entirely our own choices which define our limitations or infinite possibilities in life.

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  • An Epidemic of Overwhelm

    Distractions are everywhere, and with smartphones addictions/distractions it’s an epidemic already.

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  • Celebrating Positive Body Image, Self Esteem

    Positive Body Image and Self Esteem start in the mind, not in the mirror. Value yourself, care for your body, nurture love and positivity.

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    Celebrating Positive Body Image
  • Humble Leadership and Empowering Others

    Humble Leadership: The Power of Relationships, Trust & Openness. The more humble & transparent a leader is, the more effective he/she will be.

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    Humility is the Foundation of Leadership
  • Anger – An Expression of an Inner Vulnerability!

    Anger – An Expression of an Inner Vulnerability! We often suppress our frustrations. This creates a lot of pent up emotions inside us!

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    Anger-An Inner Expression
  • The Power of Creating Thoughts to Reflect Reality!

    The Power of Thoughts. Reflect the true mind, emotions and actions by creating the right thoughts!

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    The Power of Thoughts
  • Don’t Play Victim, No One Owns Your Joy!

    We play victims and blame others for our unhappiness. But to be joyful, you need to be liberated and that comes when you take charge of your life!

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    "let your intuition guide you, you are what you have been looking for"