Author: BoundlessBlogger
Your Perception My Reality!
“Your Perception My Reality” is just an attempt to voice the role of a father whose emotions are vulnerably pegged deep inside his soul.
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Self-Care Retirement, A New Chapter Unfolds…
Retirement is not the end of the road. It is the beginning of the open highway. It’s a time to enjoy everything you never had time to do when you worked. It’s time to pause and be proud of your accomplishments. It’s time to reset your priorities and plan your newfound free time. It’s time…
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6 Useful Life Hacks to Reset For the Week
Our little steps can improve our lives dramatically. Here are 6 useful life hacks for the weekend to reset for the week ahead.
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8 Best Relationship Advice
These 8 Best Relationship Advice is your survival guide for better and more satisfying relationships.
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