To The Empaths, Who Make Romantic Relationship Challenging!

Empaths are highly sensitive individuals who have keen ability to sense what people around them are thinking and feeling. They tend to take on the pain of others at their own expense.

Empaths Romantic Relationship are Intense Yet Challenging!
Empaths Romantic Relationship are Intense Yet Challenging!

They are born with strong intuitions and posses keen sense to feelings and emotions and people around them. They are deep lovers and thinkers.

Some True Characteristics of Empaths

  • Easily Overwhelmed
  • Strong Intuition
  • Deep Caring
  • High Sensitivity
  • Dislike of Conflict
  • Unique View to Life
  • Don’t Express Their Inner Sadness
  • Don’t Reach Out for Help
  • Impulsive
  • Sensitivity to Nature, Sounds, Smells or Sensations

An Empath Can Make Romantic Relationship Challenging

They are the people who feel emotions so intensely. They are very intense lovers. They feel things so intensely that another person’s fear turns into their fear or their joy becomes their joy.

Often these types see the world through their intuition rather than logic or reasoning, and that can lead to tricky situations.

It’s essential for an empath to be mindful of finding the right soulmate. Sexually empaths are highly sensitive during lovemaking (and flirting too). They can pick up a partner’s energy and can forge deep soul connection. For all empaths to feel their best, they must share physical intimacy with the right person who can reciprocate love and respect and they need to take certain steps to create a lasting bond.

Their intensity can sabotage romantic relationship. Here are some challenges an Empath faces in their emotional association with their soulmate.

  1. They think too much about their relationship and partner. They are all the time fighting battles in their head without partner participation. They lack expressing their inner fears, and face lot of disappointments as their expectations only lie in their head.
  2. They have so much empathy, that they would compensate and speak for their partner, without letting them to communicate their needs. They would always try to give too much to fulfill their partner needs that they are left with deep void in them for their needs.
  3. They don’t reach out for help. They have always been the ones who help their friends, family to take away their load of pain and sadness, that they themselves are left alone to reach out to someone who can give them advice or pull them out when they are at their lows.
  4. They are givers. They naturally compromise their needs, and overload themselves fulfilling the need of their partners that this leads to feeling of explosion unexpectedly blaming no one cares for them.
  5. Empaths Lack Expression. Being born as empaths, they need someone to understand what they feel, but this creates alot of burden inside them, which leads to burn out and depletion of energy which at times leads to impulsive actions.
    For non-empath partner these mood swings every now and then may seem scary and confusing.
  6. They have the boundary issues. They never set boundaries which at times press them too much against the extremes, which leads to anger burst up and at times can be a day to quit forever in a relationship.

Empaths Romantic Relationships Have Lot of Challenges

Empaths have lot of challenges managing their romantic relationship. They want to connect and develop lasting partnerships. But their extreme sensitivity, overly giving nature to fulfill needs of their partners and constant battles of their needs and expectations in their inner self often leads them to lose themselves in a relationship and they even don’t realize when that boundary crosses where they cannot bear the burden of that relationship and they end that association and move forward in life as depleted soul. They always have a hard time finding true love!

The right love relationship empowers empaths. Being valued and adored makes them more grounded.

Stay Connected for Next Post on How Empaths Can Protect Empathy Burnout to Create Balance and Harmony in Relationship.

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